You do not feel your hair soft for some time?
Your wires go rough, dull and lifeless? Caution! This may be an indication that something in your hair care routine, or even your health, is not good.
To make sure that there is a problem do the following test: Separate a lock and create a knot in the hair. Then immediately release the lock. The knot fell apart quickly or remained intact? If your answer is the former, congratulations: this indicates that your hair is strong enough to get the knot alone. Another test to find out is to get in a tub or pool and drop the hair. He floats or sinks? Sink, be careful: it may be more porous than you think.
But you can change this situation in an easy way. Just change some attitudes in your daily routine and use the shampoo for strong hair. Discover what to do to get back soft hair that's full of shine.